
Showing posts from August, 2020
Once we leave the teenage years, we may think acne is a thing of the past. But later in life, an imbalance of hormones can shake things up and acne takes center stage again. An endocrine imbalance is the culprit responsible for triggering hormonal acne. Women in mid-cycle and/or right before their periods are easy prey. These are the two times a month when estrogen and testosterone spike. These two hormones can accumulate if not properly detoxed. And when estrogen dominates, the complexion is fertile ground where inflamed skin and acne can thrive. Luckily there is a natural solution that may provide relief. The first step is to pay attention to your diet. The food you ingest can disrupt your hormones which in turns, produces inflammation. But on the flip side, the right kinds of food can balance hormones and soothe your skin. We’ll examine the foods which work for and against your hormones. 5 Foods to Avoid: 1. Soy Soy has been on the suspect list of instigating acne. If you

Get rid of wrinkles around the mouth

Get rid of wrinkles around the mouth The wrinkles around your eyes get a lot of attention and treatments, but your mouth area is just as prone to wrinkles. They pop up after 30 and they are very discreet at first, then they suddenly turn into large ditches. Persons who smoke, expose themselves to sun without proper UV cream protection and those who have dry skin are more sensitive to develop wrinkles around the mouth. The good news is you can prevent and treat wrinkles around the mouth with this simple, home-made mask. CLICK TO READ MORE .


Before we start with this article, I would like to ask you a few simple questions: Do you have trouble sleeping? Do you have brittle nails? Are you experiencing hair loss? CLICK TO READ MORE .


uring recovery time, glycogen reserves should be restored and for that process you need energy and specific macronutrients, so calorie requirements are increased. Done properly, weightlifting is an enormous stimulus of muscle growth process. More muscle tissue means more energy is needed, so you burn more calories throughout the whole day, not only during exercising! But the spectrum of potential benefits of weight training goes way wider than just creating the favorable fat loss environment. It also prevents osteoporosis as it increases bone density, it strengthens your heart and thereby reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Moreover, it improves insulin sensitivity, so it makes the development of type II diabetes less likely. As you see, with that kind of physical activity you can kill two birds with one stone – you win not only silhouette of your dreams, but also a life in good health. CLICK TO READ MORE .


If you’ve been around the beauty blogosphere in the last couple of years, you’re not doubt familiar with the Korean beauty products that have taken the world by storm! More specifically, Korean sheet masks which promise to smooth, hydrate, and fix all sorts of skin issues, not to mention that sheet masks are just fun to apply in general! What’s more is that sheet masks, unlike traditional paste masks, are much more gentle and can be applied as often as once a day. But what about making your own sheet masks and saving some money while you’re at it? We’re going to show you how to make your OWN sheet mask – a reusable DIY sheet mask to be more specific so that not only can you save money but also save the planet…one sheet mask at a time! Made entirely with natural, good-for-your skin ingredients and reusable fabric, this reusable DIY sheet mask is easy to make and will make your skin glow while hydrating and preventing breakouts! Reusable DIY Sheet Mask Recipe CLICK TO REA

Get rid of ingrown hair

Every woman has faced at least once with hair ingrown, which besides have poor aesthetics are painful, give you a feeling of embarrassment and thus prevents you expose your feet, ending its gates favorite pair shorts or skirt. Ingrown hairs occur when hair grows back into the skin, not to the surface. Most often, hair that is shaved, waxed, or plucked will grow back through the skin and toward the surface.  Ingrown hairs are the result of irritation and excessive growth of hair that block and irritate hair follicles. Ingrown hairs produce painful irritation, redness and inflammation of the area, but in severe cases, ingrown hairs can leave a scar. When an ingrown hair develops, you may notice small, round bumps called papules or small, pus-filled bumps called pustules. In some cases, the skin around the ingrown hair may become darker. This is known as hyperpigmentation. You may also experience pain or itching around the area of the ingrown hair. Areas that may occur hairs under the ski


While pomegranates are absolutely delicious eaten raw or juiced (even better!), they also serve another amazing purpose: to cleanse the skin, purge oily & dirt, and pull excess oil! This DIY pomegranate face mask is easy to make, and works best on oily & combination skin, as well as acne prone skin. Pomegranates are packed full of antioxidants which cleanse the skin, detoxify it, and provides it with much needed nutrients such as vitamin B, C, and K which rejuvenate the skin, giving it a beautiful glow! So relax, sit back with your pom juice, and let your skin feel the benefits of this superfruit! DIY Pomegranate Face Mask CLICK TO READ MORE .

Homemade treatment for remedy hair loss

Losing 30-40 hair is normal, but when the situation becomes more serious, we think about how we could regenerate the hair. The first impulse is to call the helpful natural treatments that have no side effects. Hair loss is a problem that affects more women of all ages. The causes are many: stress, a diet low in protein, hormonal disorder, frequent use of hair dryer, curling iron to the plate of hair straighteners. CLICK TO READ MORE .

Get rid of toxins through with Homemade Detox

The feet are related to internal organs. The points on the soles have a link corresponding to a specific part of the body. Eliminate toxins from the body not only by giving up certain foods. Whatever measures you take, you can not really stay away from toxins. To stay healthy, you need to do regularly, detoxification cures that will help strengthen your immune system. Because often wearing shoes, these points are rarely stimulated. You can open these pathways and help to purify the internal organs. To stay healthy, you need to do, regular detoxification cures that will help you strengthen and immune system. Eliminate toxins from the body not only by giving up certain foods. Baking soda is part of acid salts, and his name is considered a common name for use in household and other chores in the kitchen or the house. This food ingredient that you can find in almost any home can be appreciated like salt, not only because of its health qualities, but also for other household activities. Fro

Underarm Whitening Home Remedies

Underarms dark skin beauty is one of the nightmares because of which many women are shy and avoid going out in public with sleeveless dresses or tops or straps. The reasons for the underarm skin is a darker color than the body varies, depending on the health, skin care cosmetics or hair removal method of choice. Even if you’re perfectly shaved armpits, if you have hair that is dark and thick roots, appearance armpit gets a slightly brownish in contrast with the skin on the body. CLICK TO READ MORE .

DIY Natural Facial Toner

Facials play a key role in your skin care routine, regardless of its type. Soft and rich in vitamins, tonics lotions are a blessing for health and beauty, with unique therapeutic properties and numerous benefits.Toner has the ability to close the pores and reduce wrinkles and fine lines that inevitably come with time. Moreover, it can help to protect your face smoke, pollution or other environmental toxins. Experts recommend that if using toners of trade to avoid eye area. In case of any signs of redness and itching or burning unpleasant senzatiii check the ingredients in the lotion composition and contact a dermatologist. You may be forced to seek a special lotion designed for sensitive skin type, such as one that contains rosewater or you can choose yourself only natural ingredients that your skin them flawlessly. Toner is one of skin care cosmetics which experts have different opinions. Disposal of soap, minimize pores, improve skin tone are just a few benefits that you can provide

Use Lemon to Remove The Spots From Your Face

Lemon is one of the most potent natural remedies that can help you treat skin issues, restore the youthful and healthy appearance of the skin, and make it smooth, soft, and glowing. Chop one lemon, and rub the lemon slices on the face for a few minutes. Then, rinse with warm water. Next, mix some rice flour, honey, and lemon juice, and apply this paste on the face to act for 15 minutes. Rinse again. To exfoliate the skin, mix one egg white, a tablespoon of lemon juice, and 2 tablespoons of brown sugar. Use this scrub to gently massage the face in circular motions, and leave it to act for 15 minutes before you wash it off. CLICK TO READ MORE .

Natural Treatment for Frozen Shoulder and Be Healed Within Days!

Frozen shoulder, or adhesive capsulitis, is a common condition characterized by a stiffness in one or both shoulders, which reduces the mobility, as well as persistent pain in the upper shoulder joint. This condition usually affects people aged between 40 and 60, and about 3% of the population. If you suffer from this condition, you should seek medical attention to treat it and prevent additional complications. The pain and stiffness in the shoulder gradually develop over time, and their cause is not fully understood. The symptoms are divided into three stages, worsen gradually, and usually resolve within a few years. CLICK TO READ MORE .

Fenugreek Seeds: This Is How It Improves Your Hair Health

People have used fenugreek seeds to treat hair loss for centuries. Yet, this spice offers numerous other benefits for the hair, as it prevents breakage, treats dandruff, and soothes irritations. Each one of us loses from 50 to 100 hairs daily, and this is completely normal. Yet, severe hair loss can be a complex and serious issue. Commercial anti-hair loss products are often loaded with dangerous chemicals that actually cause more harm than good, so you should stick to the natural ways to treat this problem and boost hair health. CLICK TO READ MORE .


Here's a natural, cost efficient way to gently eliminate dark patches Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of salt 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 tablespoon baking soda Preparation and use: CLICK TO READ MORE .


Lemons are extremely healthy citrus fruits that offer countless health benefits, but not everyone knows its uses in the everyday life. Lemons are a rich source of calcium, magnesium, iron, B vitamins, phosphorus, and vitamin C (88%).  This fruit detoxifies the body, boosts the immune system, cleanses the urinary tract, soothes headaches, and helps weight loss. Lemon juice is one of the most powerful natural medicines in the treatment of skin issues and conditions. Therefore, it is often added to various creams, peelings, lotions, and masks, as well as hair care products, and products used to improve the health of the nails and teeth. WE GIVE YOU NINE GREAT REASONS TO START USING LEMON DAILY: IT NOURISHES THE SKIN The application of lemon juice on the face using a cotton ball will nourish the skin, brighten it, and leave it soft and fresh. CLICK TO READ MORE .

Remove your underarm hair naturally

There are many effective ways to remove unwanted hair, or inhibiting its growth. Here is a natural recipe with chickpea flour to remove the underarm unwanted hair. You need: -half a bowl of chickpea flour -half a bowl of milk -1 teaspoon of turmeric -1 teaspoon of fresh cream CLICK TO READ MORE .


Every time we look in the wardrobe what to wear we know that we always leave aside some particular garment for a special reason: and of course, the wrinkles that are forming in the neck and chest detract anything we want to wear. Did you know that on average we spent 23 years of our sleep life? Very long time! Of course we can not avoid sleeping, because in addition to that we overcome the dream we need those hours of rest to recharge batteries and put our body back into operation. The point is that many positions that we adopt to sleep contribute to generate wrinkles in the body. The face resting on the pillow, sleeping on the side or face down can leave marks that may seem momentary but over time they become entrenched in our skin and are no longer removed. CLICK TO READ MORE .

Natural Tricks To Stop Hair Loss

If you suffer from hair whitening use coconut oil.As strange as it might sound, coconut oil is the perfect remedy to treat and ease almost any symptoms of your skin and hair. Actually, using coconut oil for this purpose is not a new thing at all.People in Sri Lanka or Caribbean are widely knows as traditional users of this oil with the purpose to maintain their beauty and hair strength. Coconut oil is rich in fats, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates, essential nutrients that enrich the skin and hair.Due to this, regularly used on hair, it makes it thinker and healthier. Use it daily if you want to stop hair thinning or hair loss. Take into consideration these tricks when you begin using coconut oil: Coconut oil must be a little bit heated before being used.After this, message the oil through your hair but make sure your roots are well covered in oil.To be absorbed, you have to leave it on for at least 10 minutes before you wash your hair. Make a habit from this and do it daily, at le

Getting Rid of Stubborn Acne On Nose

A typical side-effect with topical treatments is due to the fact that can cause stinging, burning, and dry, flaky skin. They likewise lose their effectiveness with time as your skin adapts. More considerably, most topical treatments just” remedy” existing acne and never ever do much to stop brand name brand-new ones from appearing. A more long lasting ways to repair persistent pimples and blackheads around the nose would be to deal with these from within. This implies resolving hyper oil glands so that acne does not form inside top place. Pantothenic acid or vitamin B5 is certainly an anti-acne vitamin that deals with acne and avoids it from returning. It works by managing oil production without entirely shutting off the  CLICK TO READ MORE .

Just 5 Minute Massage With This Oil And All Unwanted Hair Will Disappear Forever!

This natural recipe will help you get rid of all your unwanted hairs. The best thing is there aren’t any side effect and it is much cheaper than the commercial products. Numerous women face problems with unwanted hair on the visible areas of the body like for example their hands, feet, face and back. It makes them feel uncomfortable, embarrassed and without self-confidence. This problem appears because of numerous factors like: irregular menstrual cycle, imbalance of hormones in the body, due to pregnancy or use of certain medications. CLICK TO READ MORE .

Make Homemade Lotion for Dry and Rough Hands

Instead of investing in expensive hand lotions and creams, why not make a lotion at home! This will be, in fact, more effective because you will use all natural ingredients for this homemade hand lotion and thus you save yourself from using chemical laden hand creams that might aggravate your problem of dry skin on hands. Get this: Coconut oil- 1/3 cup Sweet almond oil/ olive oil/ peanut oil/ any other vegetable or plant oil of your choice- ¼ cup Cocoa/ Shea/ jojoba butter- 1 cup Beeswax (grated)- 1/8 cup Honey- 1 tbsp Aloe vera gel- 1 tbsp Any essential oil (optional)- 3-4 drops Wheat germ oil/ vitamin E oil (optional)- few drops CLICK TO READ MORE .

Baking Soda- Lemon Juice Remedy for Dry and Rough Hands

If your hands are not only dry and rough but also black and dull, you can use this remedy to get soft and younger looking smooth hands. Baking soda balances the pH level of your skin. It also exfoliates the skin and sloughs off dead cells so that you may get new skin cells. Lemon juice is one of the best remedies for skin lightening. The citric acid present in lemon juice lightens the dark spots and discoloration on your skin. Antioxidant rich honey used in this remedy makes your hands soft and wrinkle free to give you a youthful pair of hands! Get this: Baking soda- 2 tsp Honey- 2 tsp Lemon juice- 2 tsp Do this: Mix all the ingredients well to get a smooth paste. Wash your hands with gentle soap and warm water. Pat them dry. Apply the mixture to your hands and rub lightly for couple of minutes. Leave it there for another 10-12 minutes. CLICK TO READ MORE .

Petroleum Jelly Home Treatment for Dry and Rough Hands

Petroleum jelly, also popular by the name of Vaseline, is one of the finest remedies for dry skin. It locks in moisture effectively. In fact, you can get a soft pair of hands overnight, just by using petroleum jelly and a pair of socks! Doesn’t that sound good! Get this: Petroleum jelly aka Vaseline A pair of socks or gloves (if not, use a plastic bag) Do this: At night, just before you go to sleep, wash your hands properly with a mild soap or cleanser. Pat dry your hands. Take some petroleum jelly and apply this to your hands. Rub it for a minute or two, all over your hands. CLICK TO READ MORE .

Apple Cider Vinegar Soak for Dry Cracked Hands

If your hands are dry and cracked, you can use apple cider vinegar to heal it. Vinegar, as you might be knowing, helps restore the pH balance of your skin. This, in turn, helps retain moisture. It also exfoliates skin to help slough off rough dead skin cells to give you softer hands. Get this: Apple cider vinegar- 1 cup Olive oil- 2-3 tbsp Warm water- 2 cups Do this Take a large bowl, large enough to soak your hands. Pour all the ingredients (vinegar, oil and water) in this bowl. Soak your hands in this solution for about 10-15 minutes. Now pat your hands dry and apply moisturizer. Repeat 1-2 times a week. CLICK TO READ MORE .

Grandma Told Me This Trick. It Healed My Cracked Heels In Just 1 Night

In this post we will tell you how can you cure cracked heels super fast and in just few days you heels will look beautiful again Step 1 – Warm water treatment You will need Luke warm water 2 spoon baking soda Pumice stone 2 spoon salt In a tub take luke warm water Add baking soda and salt Mix it Soak your feet in this water for 15 minutes After 15 minutes pat dry your feet and rub  CLICK TO READ MORE .

9 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Eat Eggs

Eggs are incredibly nutritious, so they are real superfoods that should be consumed regularly. They are ones of the healthiest foods on the planet, as they are full of proteins, antioxidants, amino acids, and iron. The egg yolks contain choline, which is a powerful fat-burning nutrient that effectively helps you lose weight. Make sure you always consume organic eggs, as they are free of hormones, antibiotics, and vaccines. The nutritional value of the eggs remains the same, regardless of their color. Here are 12 reasons to start consuming eggs more often: Regulate cholesterol CLICK TO READ MORE .

8 Tremendous Benefits Of Ice Cubes On Skin

Not many of you are probably aware of the myriad of benefits offered by ice cubes in terms of the skin health. Apparently, they are highly versatile, easy to use, and free! Here are 10 ways in which you can use them to treat skin issues and improve the state of your skin: Boost Circulation The coldness of ice cubes will boost the circulation and fix dull skin. This will also brighten the skin. Just rub an ice cube wrapped in a paper cloth on the face in the morning, before applying makeup. Gently massage the face, but avoid the area of the eyes. CLICK TO READ MORE .